Tuesday, July 21, 2009

HostGator - An Honest User Review

Why do you want to read a review of a company before you actually sign-up? Maybe because you want to make sure that the claims made by the company in which you are considering are true. So, that is the purpose of this article, to provide you with the information that you need in order to make an informed decision. This article will focus on a hosting company that goes by the name HostGator, and it will look at what makes them great, as well as where they could improve. So, without further ado, lets start with the good news.

HostGator has three main positives that, in my opinion, make it worth the money. I personally use their 'baby' hosting plan, which offers unlimited disk space, unlimited websites/blogs on a single account, unlimited bandwidth, and unlimited e-mail accounts. With the unlimited disk space, you can have, if you want, a thousand or more blogs all storing enormous of information, and you still would never have to worry about running out. With the unlimited bandwidth, you could have non-stop videos streaming on each of those thousand blogs twenty-four hours per day, and you would never have to worry about going over a monthly limit, because there is not one.

With the unlimited websites/blogs on a single account, you can do just that; host as many blogs or websites as you want on the single account. I actually take advantage of this; I have twenty-five blogs on my one account. Last, the feature that I love most is the unlimited e-mail accounts. With this, you can have a individual e-mail address and inbox for each of your websites or blogs. In addition to this, they offer excellent customer service which features a 800 number that customers can use for billing or technical support.

Now, the down side, there really is only one thing that I would change about HostGator if I could; they do not sale domains. HostGator is exclusively a hosting company, which apparently they take very seriously, so much in fact that you cannot buy a domain from them. Not to worry though, because they make it very easy to use domains that you buy from other companies for all the websites that you host with them.

Overall, I have used Yahoo!, GoDaddy, and a few others and HostGator is, by far, the best hosting company that I have dealt with.